At Total Athleticare we use two types of acupuncture to treat pain, traditional Chinese acupuncture and biomedical acupuncture. Biomedical Acupuncture The biomedical acupuncture model — aka western acupuncture or dry needling — is based on 21st century understanding...
Many people get confused as to when to use ice and when to use heat. Here’s the common rule… ICE JOINTS, HEAT MUSCLES… ICE ACUTE, HEAT CHRONIC Here’s a chart that can help you better understand when, how, and how long to use either heat or ice: WHEN TO USE: Ice- Use...
When you see people in discomfort as regularly as we do, you have to come to grips with pain; what it is and the purpose behind it. Pain actually plays an extremely important role in the body. Read on — you may never look at pain the same way again. Pain is the...